New Tomorrows: The Power of Hope

Hope is like a secret superpower for working moms juggling jobs and family life. It’s all about having dreams for yourself and your family, believing you can reach them, and figuring out how to make it happen step by step. Think about what you really want, both at work and at home. Maybe it’s getting a better job, finding more time to spend with your kids, or even just having an occasional moment to yourself. Believing you can achieve these things is key. This belief, or feeling of “I can do this,” helps you keep pushing forward (check out our focus and resilience blog to help you learn to push forward).  During stressful moments, it can be difficult to be hopeful that events will turn around. In fact, the negativity bias leads us to focus on our failures, downfalls, or missteps. With that in mind, living day-to-day can sometimes get overwhelming, and so maintaining hope provides the momentum needed to help you be successful.

Now, knowing what you want is one thing, but figuring out how to get there is another. This is where you need to get creative and think of different ways to reach your goals. If one way doesn’t work out, it’s okay; try another path. For example, if you want to spend more time with your kids but can’t seem to find it between work and household chores, you could try organizing your schedule differently or even asking family or friends for a little help. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards your goal. Remember, it’s not just about reaching that big dream but also about overcoming the daily hurdles with a positive mindset. This approach doesn’t just help you; it shows your kids how to face their own challenges with hope and determination.

Being a positive role model is one of the most powerful gifts you can give your kids, and it starts with showing them how to stay hopeful and chase after their dreams, just like you do. When you tackle your own challenges with a smile and keep pushing towards your goals, no matter how big or small, you’re teaching your kids an important lesson in hope and perseverance. For example, if you’ve been dreaming of a better job, let your kids see you studying for a new course or practicing for job interviews. It’s all about showing them that it’s okay to aim high and work hard for what you want.

 At the same time, positive parenting is about encouraging your kids to find their own paths and supporting them along the way. Celebrate their efforts and successes, whether it’s a good grade at school or helping out at home. By sharing these moments with your kids, you’re not just helping them build their own hope and resilience; you’re also strengthening your bond with them. Together, you’ll learn that with a bit of hope and a lot of love, anything is possible.

When things don’t go as planned, remind them (and yourself) that every mistake is a chance to learn and grow, not a reason to give up.  In fact, research has found that instilling hope decreases mental health distress in response to negative life events and reduces negative thought patterns (Lopez et al., 2000).  Why does this work?  Instilling hope in one’s life improves one’s sense of empowerment and allows us to be motivated by the expectation of a positive future (Cheavens & Whitted, 2023). 


Check out this worksheet to help you and your family identify what gives you hope!





Cheavens, J. S., & Whitted, W. M. (2023). Hope therapy. Current Opinion in Psychology, 49, 101509.

Lopez, S. J., Floyd, R. K., Ulven, J. C., & Snyder, C. R. (2000). Hope therapy: Helping clients build a house of hope. In Handbook of Hope (pp. 123-150). Academic Press.


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