(Emotional) Intelligence: Creating Maturity and Growth in Yourself and Your Family – Part Three

Part 3: Enhancing Your Emotional and Self-Intelligence

Welcome to the journey every working mom knows too well – the quest to become emotionally and self-intelligent while managing a circus of work, family, and those elusive moments of me-time. This isn’t about acing a test; it’s about acing life in the most wonderfully chaotic way possible. So, let’s dive into how we can move from understanding the facts about emotional and self-intelligence to actually applying them in our beautifully hectic lives.


Step-by-Step Plan:

1. Embrace Continuous Learning: Our first stop is the world of books and podcasts – imagine learning about emotional intelligence while hiding in the bathroom from your kids. Start with a book like “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” during your lunch break or a podcast on your commute.  Along with books and podcasts, try interactive webinars where you can ask questions in real-time, maybe while doing laundry. Look for content that resonates with your daily life – because real lessons in emotional intelligence often happen while negotiating bedtime, not boardroom strategies.


2. Utilize Technology: Next, let’s befriend our smartphones for good. Apps like ‘Headspace’ can guide you through mindfulness exercises while you’re waiting for the pasta to boil – because, let’s face it, that’s as quiet as it gets.  Beyond mindfulness, there are apps for emotional journaling – think of it as a diary that doesn’t judge you for venting about spilled milk… again. Set reminders for daily practice, like a peaceful alarm amidst the chaos of family life.


3. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Join online forums or local groups of working moms. It’s like having a support squad who understands why you’re hiding in the closet with a bar of chocolate.  These groups can be goldmines of advice, from managing toddler tantrums to navigating office politics. Share your experiences and learn from others – it’s group therapy without the couch.  Engage with us on social media so that we can cheer you on!


4. Experiment with New Strategies: Try yoga to find your inner calm, or maybe unleash your inner Picasso with some painting. If yoga isn’t your thing, try dance workouts – a fun way to let off steam and a great distraction from the pile of dishes. Remember, the goal is emotional regulation, even if it looks like a solo dance party in your living room. It’s about finding what helps you regulate those rollercoaster emotions – bonus points if it’s something the kids can’t interrupt!


5. Reflect on Progress: End your day with a self-reflection session. It can be as simple as pondering over a cup of tea (or wine) after the kids are asleep, thinking about what worked and what made you want to sell them to the circus. This isn’t about being hard on yourself; it’s about recognizing the small wins. Maybe today, you didn’t raise your voice, or you managed a work crisis without panic. Celebrate these moments – they’re big steps in emotional growth!

There you have it – a mom’s guide to becoming emotionally and self-intelligent while enjoying the ride, bumps and all. 

As we wrap up our exploration of self-intelligence and emotional intelligence for working moms, remember that this journey is as rewarding as it is challenging. The skills you develop not only benefit you but also create a ripple effect in your family. Stay tuned for our next blog, where we’ll dive into how you can encourage and nurture emotional intelligence and self-intelligence in your children. It’s about passing on the torch of awareness and regulation, helping them grow into emotionally intelligent individuals. See you in the next chapter of our emotional intelligence journey!


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