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Let’s talk about sleep. We know we need it, but many of us aren’t getting enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults need between 7 and

“Communication is key.” How often have you heard that? Whether it be unsolicited advice from an elderly relative or a quote on Pinterest, it’s hard to understate the importance of

Previously, we’ve talked about setting goals. Sometimes the only way we can reach our goals is if we ask for help. Today, we are going to look at the importance

For our final post of the GAMES series, this one may feel a bit reminiscent of our Asking for Help installment. Today we are covering ways to seek support from

Picture this: It’s Monday after a really long weekend. You have an important work meeting at 9 am that you are dreading. It’s 20 minutes past the time your children

Picture this: It’s Monday after a really long weekend. You have an important work meeting at 9 am that you are dreading. It’s 20 minutes past the time your children

Like we’ve talked about before in our GAMES and work-life integration series, juggling work and parenting responsibilities is no easy feat. As working mothers, it can feel like we are

In our last blog about work-life integration, we talked about goal-setting – the first step of the GAMES method. To achieve work-life integration, partner communication about priorities, values, daily life

 As moms, we often have ideas of what life should look like and who our kids should be.   Today we are bombarded with images of seemingly perfect families, perfect

‘Work-life balance’ may often seem like something far off, inconsistent, and unachievable. To many working mothers, the boundaries of work and home life may overlap, making the balance of the


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